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2023-05-09 21:44:08励志名言1

Stan Shunpike: Welcome to the knight bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor for this evening. What are you doing down there?


Harry: Fell over.

Stan Shunpike: What do you fall over for?

Harry: I didn’t do it on purpose.

Stan Shunpike: Well, come on then! Let’s not wait for the grass to grow.

Stan Shunpike: What are you looking at?

Harry: Nothing.

Stan Shunpike: Well, come on then! NA… You get on, I get this.

Stan Shunpike: Come on. Move on, move on, move on.

Stan Shunpike: Take it away Ern!

Shrunken Head: Yeah! Take it away Ernie! It’s going to be a bumpy ride! HA……

Stan Shunpike: Would you say your name was again?

Harry: I didn’t.

Stan Shunpike: But where about your headin’?

Harry: The Leaky Cauldron, That’s in London.

Stan Shunpike: The Leaky Cauldron, That’s in London.

Shrunken Head: The Leaky Cauldron HEHEHEHE… Stay away from the pea soup, make sure you eat it before it eats you!

Harry: But the Muggles, can’t they see use?

Stan Shunpike: Muggles? They can’t see anything do they?

Shrunken Head: No. But if you jab them with a fork they feel HAHA…

Shrunken Head: Ernie, the little old lady at 12 o’clock.

Shrunken Head: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,three and a half,2,one and three quarters…Yeah!

Harry: Who is that? That man.

Stan Shunpike: Who is that? That is Sirius Black, that is. Don’t tell me you’ve never been hearing about Sirius Black. He is a murderer. Got him self locked up in Azkaban. He escapes from the Azkaban.

Harry: But how did he escape?

Stan Shunpike: So that’s the question! He is the first one that done it! He is a big supporter of You-Know-Who. Reckon you heard of him.

Harry: Yeah. Him I’ve heard of.

Shrunken Head: Ernie, two double-deckers at 12o’clock. They are getting closer, Ernie. They are right on top of us!

Shrunken Head: Mind you head HEHE…

Shrunken Head: Hey guys, guys, why is the long face? HAHA…!

Shrunken Head: Nearly there, nearly there.

Stan Shunpike: The Leaky Cauldron. Next stop, knockturn alley.

Tom: Ah, Mr. Potter…at last.

Stan Shunpike: Take it away Ern! Yeah! Take it away Ernie!



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