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2022-10-22 07:05:27经典台词1

We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us?


Land is the only thing in the world worth woking for ,worth fighting for ,worth dying for .Because it's the only thing that lasts. < Gone with the wind 乱世佳人>

It takes a strong man to save himself ,and a great man to save another. <肖申克的救赎>


泰坦尼克号里面 杰克说 you jump i jump 你跳我也跳
阿甘正传里面 阿甘说 Stupid is as stupid does 做傻事的人才傻呢
这个杀手不太冷里面 莱昂说 no women no kids 不杀女人和小孩
终结者里面 施瓦辛格说 I'll be back! 我会回来的
肖申克的救赎里面 安迪说Get busy living or get busy dying 要么忙着活要么等着死


what's the matter ma? 妈,怎么回事?
I‘m died, Florus.弗勒斯,我快要死了。
Come on here and sit down over here.进来,过来坐下!
why are you die ma?妈,你为什么要死?
my time,it’s my time.我的时候到了,时候到了。
oh,my heart.Don't be afraid.心肝宝贝,你别害怕。
Dead is a part of life.死亡是人生的一部分。
Somewhere are all death to do.是每一个人要去的终点。
I didn't know it.我原来不知道。
But I am destined to be your mama.却注定了要做你的妈妈。
I try my best that I could.我尽我的全力了。
You do good ma.妈妈!你尽了全力。
We believed you have hold your own destiny.我相信你也把握了自己的命运。
you have to do the best that the God give you.把神给你的恩赐发挥到极致。
what's my destiny,ma?我的命运是什么,妈?
you gonna figure it out by yourself.那要你自己去弄清楚。
life is like a box of chocolate .人生像一盒巧克力。
No one will know what you have got.你无法知道你吃到什么口味。
Ma always have the well explain to let me understand.妈总是有办法比喻得让我明白。
I will miss you,Florus.弗勒斯,我会想念你。
She have got the cancer and dead on Tuesday.她得了癌症,星期二死亡。
I bought her a new hat with litter flower on it.我给她买了一顶有小花的帽子。


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